We bridge Amazon Business and PSG into your corporate procurement

We have done the connection. You enjoy real-time competition and instant savings.




(on avg. 18% on each order*)

Get the best price by leveraging the super-competition between marketplaces, BPO and your corporate procurement.


We have connected



Supplier catalogues:


Products under management:


Let the competition work for you.

Competition leads to better results

See how Amazon Business and your trusted BPO compete with your corporate procurement. Fully integrated in your existing spend management solutions. No wasted time in price negotiation any more.

Connecting to webridge enables

Instant Savings

More availability with second & third source

Best buying decisions

We bridge competition

Earn savings by watching Amazon Business compete - transparent & compliant - with your corporate procurement.

Our partners


Apply your strategy


Select your relevant KPIs

Best price

Least environmental impact

Fastest delivery

Trusted source

End-to-end automation


Keep your existing procurement solution and upgrade its value for your requisitioners





Our solution connects to their APIs.

No development - just plug & use.

We compete for the right goal.

Our clients are professional buyers and sellers that take responsibility

Competition has to be fair and transparent, and it demands to have a defined set of rules

Our integrated partners agree to be comparable

We make sure the players that compete for your spend apply to the same rules and standards

We provide “multiple offers-in-one product” to compare and choose

No B2C sales voodoo-bullshit

Our Mission

We shape procurement by addressing the goals of our time. How and where we spend shapes the environment we work and live in. We aim to keep responsibility high for all stakeholders in spend management. We foster competition and partnerships.

We bridge your procurement providers for you.

Who is providing the best procurement solution for you?

All of them have their strengths. We are happy to support your decision process.

Your Corporate Mall

Curated source and products.

Your private Company Mall with all your contracted vendors as the core of your professional procurement. 

Your private Company Mall enables you to implement your strategy

You can invite your preferred vendors

You keep long term contracts and relationships - webridge fully integrates them

Your trusted BPO

Increase efficiency by outsourcing and keep clear responsibility.

Use PSG, Meplato Business or others to partially outsource procurement tasks like sourcing, contracting, invoice management and more.

BPOs that customise their service for you are a benefit to scale procurement

PSG: the leading PSP in Europe with experienced buying professionals

Meplato Business: data & automation driven one-stop vendor integration partner

Open marketplaces

Huge portfolio with high dynamic, limited control.

Open marketplaces lack trust and process capabilities for professional buyers. But they have significant value & service to provide.

You make use of the dynamic only marketplaces can provide

webridge makes sure you keep control and have the integration you need

Amazon is the competitive challenger in B2B.

The webridge founders know it first hand: e-Procurement is over 20yrs around.

We bridge B2B commerce solutions & technologies

webridge comes with an API for leading procurement solutions as well as its own storefront UI - if you don't like the one you have today.



In case we don't have your procurement solution live now, let's get started!

In case the connector is live, you get help from our integration partners.

Become the first innovation customer for your solution and get a 50% discount for the entire lifetime. Start here.

Reshape corporate buying with Amazon Business.

Professional buyers have different requirements compared to the B2C market

Amazon is on the edge to enter professional procurement.

Most would be surprised about the low penetration rate today. But they aim to learn and grow. And we use their motivation.

The founders of webridge have worked with Amazon Business towards a real B2B integration now for several years

A few heavy rocks were moved: Governance, compliance, process integration, business ethics, data ownership

We call Amazon a partner and we insist on our webridge rules for governance and data usage


Business Model & Pricing 

SaaS fee

We are personally very sorry - we couldn't make it for free. You can try it without integration if the demo doesn't convince you. Thought, you'll have a hard time to get more for this money. You benefit and happily share a tiny part of your savings.



B & C

unlimited user/on request

Our approach is simple:

You always can quit if you don't like it.

You get your money back for your prepaid setup cost if you quit.

Open book policy - We all work together - that's how we think.

Webridge is there to make an impact.

Make smart decisions

Responsible buying is not just “best price” and availability.

Today we focus on a broader approach for “best decision” in procurement. CSR as well as environmental impact have to be aligned with your strategic procurement goals.

We can help to get your priorities right at the point of decision

Based on the data we have, decision support is an integrated feature

Book a live demo with the CEO of webridge.

See webridge in action!

Copyright © 2024 webridge markets GmbH. All rights reserved.

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